Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Tuesday.. missing the weekend..

So this past weekend, I actually got to just stay home. No major plans, just got to spend time with the kids and chill. Yes, I do love being busy most days, but there is only so much I can take before Im ready to just take a breath.
So nothing to spectacular for us this weekend. Just enjoyed the presence of our little family.
I LOVE the sound of laughter, and realizing that even if things arent the way you think they should be, knowing that your kids are happy, regardless of the life around them, that in itself makes it all better. Perfect example. Friday Evening, Tim and I were cooking dinner and the kids were actually playing together, not fighting, not crying, but actually laughing and playing. The sarcastic side of me stated that we should call all the relatives to let them listen. To see fresh that we are doing the right thing and admist all the craziness we have put them thru, they are Happy. It is a refreshing feeling.

Other than that.. Not much has changed.. Tim is still looking for a J-O-B, hopefully that wont be the case here in a few days. Hes got a few Union jobs that are closing this week, so hopefully, he should hear something. Hes had alot of interviews this past week and a half, so something has got to come out of it.. Right??


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