Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Not Much Longer..

and we will be moving!! Tim is going to find out today if he will get his permissive TDY for househunting.. and I really am praying that he does.. That extra income would be really beneficial for the following months..

What else is new? Wyatt can officially write his name ;) Totally cool! He really is so proud... he comes home from Pre K everyday asking if he can do his "homework"

Natalie- she is so into "pretending" these days! Love having tea parties with her.. she is a riot! I love watching her gather all her "friends" and place them where she wants.. then she has to find them a plate, and a snack.. its adorable!

Jakers had some kindof attack of some red spots this weekend.. thought it may be Chicken pox.. but I do believe it was hives.. as to what he is allergic too.. I have it narrowed down.. but am not for certain.. and Im not about to feed him what I think it is to see.. so.. He looks much better now.. and even tho the 'rash' didnt seem to bother him.. he looked horrible :( which in turn made me feel horrible for him ;( On a positive note! he is cheery! Hes into making funky sounds now.. and frequently laughs at himself.. CUTE!!

Tim got his CDL ( class B) but he didnt have to do anything for it.. Which is funny, because I guess that would mean I could have one too.. since I learned and drove all the big clunkers when I was in the AF.. It is funny to think that I learned how to drive a Standard on a 5 ton... and almost backed into the Senior's Van ( that wouldnt of been good)

Tims gotten a few responses to job applications.. and is filling them out daily now.. the sucky thing about wanting to be a cop, is its a process.. and usually begins with a test,then an interview.. background ck.. yada, yada, so its not like he just applies and gets hired.. sucky when we really need to be There for all of that.

Other than that.. there is the big anniversary crop going on over at Scrapaddict
Fun stuff! This is my last week of scrapping full boar.. so Im trying to make the most of it.. and just because Ive never done this before.. Im putting up a "sneek peek" Love this Gin X Paper!
Thats all folks! Have a Splendid Day!!


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