Wednesday, August 30, 2006

WOHOOO!! Thank You Rebecca!!!!!!!

See.. I have a header now.. LOL.. Rebecca the Lovely owner of createmykeepsake was kind enough to WALK me thru getting this darn "header" put in my blog.. SO Thank you Rebecca!
Hey, I learned something new today.. and really made myself feel silly.. because I was making it alot harder than needed to be.. LOL..

Alright... the kids are asleep.. and Im going to go scrap while I have a chance.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Moving on..

yes.. so its true, in a few short months we will be moving.. Ive been talking to a realtor, trying to get the process started so that we may be able to buy a house when its time for that... so lets pray that things go Semi Smoothly.

So, Tim got sent back to flight.. his recert for his dog was up.. so instead of recerting him for a month, they gave his dog to another Handler thats been having training problems to try to help him out.. and sent Tim back to Flight.. He is sad, Naturally, but at the same time.. it will be more beneficial as far as outprocessing stuff.. He came home about in tears tho.. I promised him that as soon as we get moved into a house and settled, we would get a dog.

Here comes the tricky part.. finding a house that has Everything that I want.. that we can afford.. LOL. . I found one, that looks great from the pics.. but my Dad told me that it has been sold at least 3 times in the last 5 years... to me thats not a promising sign.

Looks like we will be heading out of FL the end of OCT. the less driving we have to do in potentially bad weather.. the better off we will be..

Ive been going thru stuff and getting rid of "junk". I guess its a good thing we move all the darn time.. the less stuff we have collected up... right?
I do need to go shopping for the kids..they will all need some warmer clothing.. Nat and I need Winter Jackets..
Speaking of Shopping.. Wyatts feet grow like crazy.. He just got a new pair of shoes like 2 months ago, and he has already grown out of them.. crazy!

Wyatt started Pre K on Monday! hes been LOVING it.. and just as Wound as ever.. Yesterday, was a fantastic day! we had a Wic appt at 245 in the afternoon.. right during the kids usual nap time.. you can bet it wasnt so fun. needless to say, Wyatt crashed at around 5pm and slept all night long.. the rest of us were asleep by 8 last night..

its so funny to me that Natalie weighs 4.5 more than Jacob.. she is tall and SKINNY! but that is how all my family is.. I just find it humerous..
anyways, gotta run. the baby just woke up, and is NOT happy.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Testing it out..

ok.. so fee just to let you know.. it wont let me upload photos either..

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Whine, Complain,Comply, Repeat...

Ugh.. gotta love Military life.

We've been living in base housing here in FL for almost a year.. . and now all of the sudden... we have the housing office knocking on all of our doors (7 plex apartment buildings..) informing us that we need to start maintaining our yards better than we have been.. Why? Because we have a Major that lives in the next house over doesnt like looking at kids toys.. she doesnt have children.
SO she complained to the housing office.. about us never mowing ( we havent had too.. Chugach (maintance) has been doing it for a few months, I wasnt going to tell them to stop, so I could mow..LOL.)

Well, now thats changed and we have a mowing schedule.. yada yada.. not a big deal..

What Irks me is that because the *major* doesnt like looking at our kids toys (bikes and the play houses* housing told us they wanted us to store them in our Garages.. Which are not attached to the houses and are in a totally different area. this is ridiculous.. its not like we all have a bunch of toys strewn all over the place.. but realistically there are 16+ kids that live in this building.. so yeah.. there are going to be toys,bikes,scooters,balls, the big houses.. etc. and yes, they do play during the day.. but the stuff is picked up at the end of the day..
So.. what to do about it...pray that Mrs. Major finds a hobby besides gardening.. sorry, but for those of you that dont know... Military housing.. whatever you do cosmetically inside and out (ie paint, plant flowers) you return it to how it was when you moved in.. so yeah, Im not much of a gardener these days..
So we did some trimming of the bushes and edging.. and that is that. No One took their bikes to their garages.. they are all still on the bike rack.. gotta love it.
anyways... Im ranting.. this shouldnt even be an issue. I dont understand why if A) she had a problem with the toys..she waited so long to say something?? she's been living here at least 6 months. B) why couldnt she knock on one of the 6 doors that people live in and say something to one of us, instead of going right to the housing office??
Anyways.. she was so insistent that the housing ladies were going to come back today at 3:00 to ck the yard again... lol, they never showed up.
and with that.. I keep telling myself, 3 more Months ;)

We've been stationed at 5 different bases.. and this by far has been the Worst...

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

It Feels like Monday...

Who knows.. and its been a pretty blaise day. The waters been out and didnt come back on until around 5ish.. Ive had a headache all day today.. so not much accomplished outta me today.
Not too much new around here.. been trying to stay sane.. boy will I be glad when Wyatt starts Pre K next week.. I love my kids.. but Im looking forward to 3 hrs of NO Fighting, screaming, crying ;) Maybe, Ill actually be able to scrap a bit more:)
I took this pic of Nat the same day I got the ones of Jakers.. just later in the day, she LOVE this beanie hat..which IS Jacobs.. but she's claimed it ;) she looks cute tho.
The one of Wyatt, I snapped that this morning while I was taking pics of my altered Envy book.. check out his "spots" (Freckles) they do look much cuter on him ;)
ITs late.. my head hurts.. I think I have a bad tooth..gotta love it.. looks like I will be calling the Dentist in the morning ;)

Friday, August 11, 2006

Impromptu Fun.

at least I think so! I caught Jakers playing in the cupboard aka. the "police car".. so we had a little fun!! As you can tell one of his latest things is Screaming ;) mostly because he likes the sound of his own voice ( at least I think so).

He was playing with Tims hat.. trying to put it on his head.. as soon as I put it on him.. he would yank it off.. needless to say, I didnt get a decent pic of him with the hat on... but I did get a few Cute ones ;)

I cant believe how big my Baby is getting;)

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Tag your it..

Fee and I did a photoshoot of Katie before we took pics of the whole Krew.. it was a blast! Here is one of my Favorite shots of her;) Shes so photogenic.. and it was so much fun watching her get into it! anyways.. good night!

ok, Amy I will play.. ;)

If you could build a house anywhere, where would it be?
Honestly.. i dont know right now.. maybe chicago?
What's your favorite article of clothing?
a pair of express jeans that Ive had for a few years.. very comfy ;)
Favorite physical feature of the opposite sex?
What I LOVE about Tim?? his Eyes,legs,feet,toosh..
What's the last CD that you bought?
I believe it was Rascall Flatts
Where's your favorite place to be?
around Friends and Family
Where's your least favorite place to be?
I dont do well in crowds either, could be why I rarely go to the mall..
What's your favorite place to be massaged?
My back.. and I havent a had a decent massage since I was preggo..
Strong in mind or strong in body?
Both, I hope. LOL
What time do you wake in the morning?
330ish.. and then between 7-8. but that is about to change ;)
What's your favorite kitchen appliance?
huh..well I dont think Ive ever really thought about it.. microwave??
What makes you really angry?
Two faced people. Double standards..snobbiness.. just be real people.. its not that hard ;)
If you could play any instrument, what would it be?
someday, i will learn how to play the piano better than I do
Favorite color?
Which do you prefer, sports car or SUV?
doesnt really matter. We have a Van, because we have 3 small kids..
Do you believe in afterlife?
Yes, I Do
Favorite children's book?
I love listening to Wyatt read Dr Suess..
What is your favorite season?
right now! winter! I cant wait for cooler weather..
What's your least favorite household chore?
Dishes... and taking out the trash.
If you could have one super power, what would it be?
maybe to hear peoples thoughts..
If you have a tattoo, what is it?
Yes I do. tribal middle of my shoulderblades
Can you juggle?
The one person from your past you wish you could go back and talk to?
My Grandfather. he passed when I was around 4ish.. my memories of him are pretty slim.
What's your favorite day?
I dont think I really have a favorite day.. I look forward to Thursday nights tho.
What's in the trunk of your car?
a car jack, jumper cables and jack stands..
Which do you prefer, sushi or hamburger?
Ill take the hamburger

NOW, if you're reading this, consider yourself TAGGED. Copy & paste the questions into your blog and tag three friends! :)

Photo Shoot Madness ;)

Believe it or not.. this is my favorite one of the "Krew". Seriously, this picture captures the chaos of the moment ;)so this is my fave!

finally getting around to posting these pics ;) while they arent the best.. it was definately a learning experience;) Anna was SO not in the mood to get her picture taken.. it was quite commical actually ;) but we got a few good ones in there ;) Ill post more in a bit. TFL Jess

and this one.. just because they really are so cute together ;)